Swindon Advertiser: Banner


Log on to our admin site: http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/admin/

Enter your user name and password. If you have not got one, or have lost yours, here to request one.

When you log in, you will see the relevant section(s) you are allowed to upload to. You should see a section for News and a section for Pictures. All you need to do is click Upload Article next to the relevant one, depending on whether you want to add a story or add a picture to the picture gallery.

If you can't see the relevant section, try clicking the arrow to the left of the section title - this will prompt the drop down menu and you should be able to see what you're looking for.

The minimum you need to do on this page is insert headline and put the words of your story into the big box. If you want the story to go up immediately, you don’t need to fill in the date boxes – the system will do it automatically for you when you click Preview.

Author: if you leave this as ‘unknown’, no by-line will appear on the story.

Optional Start Date: so you can delay stories going up to the site.

Allow comments: comments are automatically allowed on stories. If you don’t want people to be able to comment, please untick this box. See legal guidance.

Link: enter full website address/name of link and this will become a live link.

Images: upload one or more images by browsing for the image on your desktop and entering a caption.

Related links: enter full website address/name of link and this will become a live link.

When you have completed all required fields, click Preview.

You will then see a preview and if you are happy with the story, click Send Article Live.

If you spot a mistake, click Edit Article, make your changes and click Preview again.


Essentially, this works the same way as uploading stories – the minimum you need to do is put in a headline, write a few words in the big box about the picture and then click Browse to select the picture from your desktop. Click Preview and Send Live as before.


You don’t need to use HTML within your stories at all if you don’t want to – but if you want to experiment, here are some basic bits and pieces.
PLEASE NOTE: Replace () brackets with <> brackets

(li) bullet point
(br) starts a new line
(br)(br) starts a new line with a gap between paragraphs
(b)text goes here(/b) bolds all text between
(i)text goes here(/i) puts all text between in italics

REMEMBER! If you have any problems, please feel free to email us.