He won't tell his mum

MY fiance lives with his widowed mother who is in her 70s and, although her son and I have been together for four years, we have never met.
He has lived at home all his life, other than when he first met me while we were both working abroad for three years.
I am sure she is trying to stop us from getting married as the date has already been postponed. I have no idea why, other than that she had a “problem.” It’s as if he either can’t or won’t face her, and I’m beginning to think it’s not going to happen. Do I have to wait for her to die? - DL
Fiona says: For a woman in her 70s, the possibility exists that she could still live a very long time, so assuming you’re not willing to wait that long, I think it’s time the two of you met. You can show her that you understand her feelings, that you genuinely love her son and that you are not taking him too far away.
You will also be able to discover if she really is the reason behind your fiance’s delays because it may be it’s his problem, not his mother’s, and that he has his own reasons for delaying things.
If he refuses to introduce you then perhaps it’s time to consider whether he’s the right man for you.

My daughter's a recluse
MY daughter is 26 with two lovely children, but after a deeply upsetting divorce last year, she’s become a recluse.
I would have thought that after nearly 18 months, she would be over things, but she just sits indoors every evening, even though I’ve told her I can babysit any time. She’s a very pretty woman and I feel she should be out meeting people, but she seems to think nobody will want her because she has two children. What more can I do to help? - RS
Fiona says: Your daughter has obviously taken the divorce very badly and I suspect she’s lost confidence.
She may also be depressed, so trying to push her into socialising could make her feel more vulnerable.
In time she may feel differently, but for the moment, give her time and room to get over this bad experience. She’s still very young and there will be plenty of time for socialising when she’s ready.