MY boyfriend and I have been together for nine years and although he’s kind and I believe I love him, I feel our relationship isn’t all it should be.

Our sex life used to be great and we’d talk and plan our future together but, over the past year, we’ve rarely made love at all and I can’t remember when we last sat and really talked.

He’s stopped staying over at my flat and, when I go to his place, he finds an excuse to sleep in the spare room. He’s dropped a few hints about getting married, but I’ve not committed myself as I’m beginning to wonder if this is as good as it’s ever going to be. - DL

Fiona says: Rather than growing closer together, you two seem to be drifting apart and you don’t give me many clues here as to why.

Unless you talk openly with one another about what has changed, then marrying would, I feel, be a big mistake.

What do you want from this relationship, and what does he want?

Have you asked him why he doesn’t stay at your flat anymore? Is he under pressure at work? Unless you can start being more open with each other, I don’t think you’re ever going to be happy.

If what your current boyfriend is prepared to offer isn’t enough, you will need to be brave and make the break.


My dad shaves every day - sometimes twice and he says it’s because he’s a ‘manly man’.

My boyfriend never seems to need to shave and he told me sometimes he only does so once a week.

He’s 19 and if he’s not “manly” I’m afraid he might be gay and not know it. - RR

Fiona says: I think your father may have confused you as to what constitutes manliness.

Being hairy doesn’t have anything to do with sexual inclination. Please stop worrying and count yourself lucky to have found yourself an attractive man whose face doesn’t feel like sandpaper by 5pm!