Following these expert tips can boost your child's learning and help their emotional wellbeing too.

I've got two children at primary school. How would it benefit them if I got more involved with their education - and what's the best way of doing it?

Michelle Doyle Wildman, acting CEO of Parentkind, the parent-teacher charity that aims to champion all the ways parents can participate in education, says: "You are your children's greatest role model, and when you're engaged in learning, studies tell us children do better academically, emotionally and behaviourally.

"At Parentkind, we've carried out lots of research among parents and teachers and found over eight out of 10 parents say they want to be more involved in their child's education, while nearly all teachers (98%) say parental involvement has a positive impact on their school and pupils.

"Yet even though the evidence is stacked in your favour, many parents say they don't have the time or opportunity to get involved, and in some instances mums and dads may feel they don't have the skills to help. But the reality is there are so many different ways to participate and they don't have to take lots of time.

"Try getting involved by going to parents' evenings or assemblies, school plays and sports day. Your child will enjoy seeing you take an interest in what they're doing.

"If you've got a little more time, consider volunteering to help out on school trips, reading with children in class or maybe getting involved in your school PTA or parent council. If time's a bit tight, you can still get involved by joining the class Facebook page or signing up to the school newsletter and taking part in school surveys.

"You can also get more involved in your child's education by building it into home life. For example, supporting with homework and reading together regularly are good habits to get into. As well as this, you can help make learning fun - if you're planning a family day out for example, why not link it to something the kids are learning about at school? All these things will help your children understand education is an important part of life.

"Whichever way you get involved, remember that overall it's important to speak positively about school and learning. By showing children it's important, you'll encourage them to try their best, knowing that they're supported by you as well as their teachers."

For more information, visit Parentkind on Facebook.