JEN BURTON, 31, art teacher and owner of Bunny Pumpkin Boutique, tells us about her life with food

Do you cook a lot yourself? What is your failsafe dish?

Yes, even though my partner is a chef! And the failsafe is smoked salmon and mushroom linguine.

Where do you like to eat out? How often?

Not as often as we would like but tend to go Japanese when we’re out. You can’t beat sushi.

What do you always hope to find on a menu? For starter? Main course? Dessert?

Something fishy to start, smoked salmon is never a bad choice. Mushroom and feta Wellington for main, and tiramisu for dessert, preferably the way my mum makes it!

Which foods did you hate as a child? Do you eat them now?

I hated all cheeses as a child but now I can’t get enough of them.

What is your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Coffee and red wine.

Marmite: yes or no?

A whole world of no!

What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to food... something you know you shouldn’t eat, but do anyway?

White bread and cheese.

You are at home watching a film. What is your snack of choice?

Really gross crisps, chip shop curry, ketchup, pickled onion. The more antisocial the better.

You’re eating a bacon sandwich... ketchup, brown sauce or nothing?

Just ketchup, no bacon. I haven’t eaten meat for nearly 20 years.