ADULTS had a rare opportunity to watch a play about domestic abuse in teenage relationships at the MECA.

Domestic Abuse Awareness Week was finished with the performance of The Secret Life by Brian Jordan, which tackles domestic abuse, as well as highlighting the threats of social media on young people.

The performance was put on by Sixth Sense, the town’s only professional theatre company, and featured three actors playing out a story designed to be performed in school halls to teenagers and college students.

Lin Williams, from Swindon Council’s Community Safety Partnership, said: “This play includes the threats social media place in young people’s lives and shows why those aged 14 to 24 are in a higher risk category for domestic abuse.

“It’s easy to presume this issue only affects older people, when actually you are at your most vulnerable in your very first relationships.”

Funding for the production came from the Police and Crime Commissioner, who has supported domestic abuse charity Women's Aid in the past.

The funding meant that the company was able to perform in more and more schools to get the message across.

Mark Powell, artistic director of Sixth Sense, said: “We are proud to receive public funding for our work and want to allow everyone to benefit from this investment.”