FIVE hundred Scalextric enthusiasts went to the Oasis Leisure Centre on Sunday for the 11th edition of Swindon’s own swapmeet.

Rob Learmouth, 46, a telecoms project manager of Priory Vale, has been running the event since 2003, when he and his brother saw a gap in the market for fans of the model race car system.

“There has always been a lot of swapmeets around the country, but they have tended to cater more for hardcore club members,” he said.

“My brother and I saw an opportunity to start doing meets for the dads and lads. We have been here ever since.”

Rob was at the leisure centre from 7.15am on the day, ahead of a 10.30am to 3.30pm session of buying, selling, swapping and racing various Scalextric items.

The event has grown in stature since its inception, with a Dutch stall holder in the main hall and visitors from as far afield as Australia mingling with their fellow miniature car racers.

Rob received his first set at the age of six and said the fascination took hold from then on.

Hornby, the firm best known for its manufacture of miniature train sets, is responsible for the Scalextric brand and has said 90 per cent of its stock is sold as toys rather than collectables.

“From my own point of view, when I was little I had the catalogues of everything you could buy and I always thought owning one of everything would be wonderful,” said Rob.

For more information on the event, visit: