Ben Dunn, 23, marketing and promotions assistant at the Wyvern Theatre and Arts Centre


Do you cook a lot yourself? What is your failsafe dish?

My wife and I always disagree on this. I’d say I definitely cook at least 60 per cent of the time! My failsafe dish is homemade pizza, with goat’s cheese, caramelised onion chutney and smoked ham.

Where do you like to eat out? How often?

I’m a HUGE fan of The Three Crowns in Brinkworth, but also love Eggelicious. I probably eat out too often — once every 10 days to two weeks.

What do you always hope to find on a menu? For starter? Main course? Dessert?

Depends upon my mood. But generally, menu musts include nice pate, steak and sticky toffee pudding. Which foods did you hate as a child? Do you eat them now?

Hated bananas as a child. Hate them now too…

What is your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Mojito and Oreo milkshakes. That was easy.

Marmite: yes or no?

Definite NO.

What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to food... something you know you shouldn’t eat, but do anyway?

Custard doughnuts – apparently taking something unhealthy (dough), filling it with something unhealthy (custard) and dipping it in something unhealthy (sugar) makes it delicious.

You are on your own at home watching a film. What is you snack of choice?

Curve ball – vegetable crisps.

You’re eating a bacon sandwich...ketchup, brown sauce or nothing at all?

Ketchup, Heinz preferred.