Something Fishy with Simon Rhodes of the  Lobster Pot Fishmongers, Wood Street Food Hall, Swindon

ON Channel 4 there is a programme called The Catch which follows the crew of a deep sea fishing boat called The Govenek of Ladram.

They sail out of Cornwall and compete with the French and the Spanish for the best fishing areas on the Continental shelf.

Competition is fierce as a good catch can earn the skipper thousands of pounds for a week’s work.

The programme highlights the intense rivalry between so many fishing boats chasing so few fish in conditions that would make even Bear Grylls nervous. It shows that fish are a valuable commodity that need to be preserved for future generations to enjoy and reminds us that these guys risk their lives everyday so that we can enjoy fresh fish.

I feel that we as a country should treasure our fishermen and invest in their future too.

They need better support from our government to reverse the trend of our dwindling fishing fleet.

That being said, we as consumers value our fish more than ever and there is an upward trend to try different varieties of fresh fish in various recipes. Fish such as ling, hake, gurnard, pollack and whiting are becoming a popular alternative to cod and haddock.

We are also very aware of our environment nowadays and the continuing need to preserve it, which makes us more conscientious about where exactly our fish comes from and how it is caught.

I am proud to be a fishmonger and I am proud to endorse our brave fishermen’s efforts and serve the best and finest of our fish and shellfish.