A RANDOM act of kindness can make anyone smile and yesterday staff at the Olive Tree Café went above and beyond all in the name of World Kindness Day.

From surprising visitors to the Cheney Manor café with a free cuppa to showing off inspiring artwork from the team on coasters, staff did their bit for the global celebration which aimed to make people think of others more often.

As part of the day dedicated to kindness, the Olive Tree Café was just one of 10 organisations across the UK to proudly display a bespoke LED ‘be kind’ sign, specially commissioned by charity People United and bag&bones.

Groups had to apply for one of the limited editions signs, explaining to People United how kindness is at the heart of their organisation.

Helen Reilly, from the café, said: “The café manager Phyllida Richards was in touch with People United and she found out how you could apply for one of the signs by explaining what you do and obviously they liked us.

“We were giving out random acts of kindness by giving out cups of teas for free or upgrading people’s coffee orders as well as giving things to people they could take away.”

There is no shortage of kindness at the Olive Tree Café as one of its main aims is to help and support people recovering from mental illness or at risk of suffering mental illness by providing them with positive, work-related opportunities in the café to take them a step nearer to the world of work.

Helen added: “We are always kind but we thought today would give people that little bit extra.

“The responses from people have been really good throughout the day and I was at the till when my colleague was explaining the tokens for free drinks and the person being served handed it to the next woman so it’s inspired others to be kinder.”