YOUNG business people from three schools in Swindon showed off their trophies at the young Enterprise Awards.

More than twenty teams of 15 to 19-year-olds were judged by a panel of business leaders from Wiltshire after delivering presentations about their businesses at the event held at the Excalibur centre.

Three schools from Swindon won in one of the 18 categories. Including teams from Common Weal School, St Joseph’s Catholic College and Bradon Forest.

Andrew Martin, development manager for Young Enterprise Wiltshire, said: “The presentations were fantastic. The product ranged rom traditional things to really innovative businesses. To stand up in front of an audience and give a presentation at 14 or 15 is just brilliant.

“It’s to learn about the world of work and trying to develop as a team. That’s the main thing, they’re learning about accounting, marketing, how to present themselves and how to work as a team. It’s those key skills they’re learning in a practical way. It’s not a game it’s a real business. “

Alina Afonso, aged 15, from St Joseph's School, set up Treats so Sweet to sell cakes and winners of best teamwork for the night, said: “We all took a part in the baking. Apart from branding our actual product we also provided a range of difference items and a theme depending on the season. For example, if its Easter we would do Easter cakes.”

Assistant headteacher of St Josheph's School Adrian Stoten said “I’m just impressed they managed to sustain themselves through the whole process, it’s been a lot work. They’re all quite young but they’ve done something which we would have struggled to have done. They’ve shown great ingenuity so we’re very pleased with them. Hopefully we’ll see some business stars in the future.”

The Young Enterprise is a leading enterprise and financial education charity which aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need in business.