IT was noticeable that Conservative Parliamentary candidate Robert Buckland wrote with feeling about the Labour Party and the ID card scheme.

But what he did not say was what I believe most people would want to know. That is, what are the Tories going to do about ID cards if they regain power?

It is UKIP's understanding that these cards are being insisted upon by the EU and so even the Tories or the Lib Dems will have no power to stop, or even amend them. Mr Buckland's silence on this matter only strengthens our belief.

Will Mr Buckland give a cast iron promise that the next Conservative administration will scrap ID cards shortly after taking office? If the answer to that is no, will he be so kind as to explain why?

After saying they are a blind alley he will have a hard job to convince us they are a vital tool against crime and terrorists.

Or, and this is just a question, like the representatives of all the big parties is he just saying what he thinks will win votes?

