I REGRET to see that Geoff Reid is still trying to defeat ID cards by way of our MPs, both of whom have made it clear that they have not the slightest intention of supporting the No2ID campaign.

Both Mrs Snelgrove and Mr Wills can only do what they are told by the Labour leadership who in turn are instructed by Brussels. The same would apply under a Tory of Lib Dem Government so I repeat my letter of a few months ago. The only way to defeat ID cards is to elect a party which is against them and the longest moderate party to hold that opinion is UKIP. Sadly too many still think in terms of the politics of the 1950s when MPs had a certain latitude of independence. Today they have to do as they are told or their political careers nosedive very quickly.

It is yet another way where we who do allow our party leaders and ordinary membership freedom of speech are very different to mainstream politics.

G Scott.
