Re stories about anti-social behaviour in Sussex Square.

I am sure that there are many places in the town that are plagued by such behaviour. Newspapers often carry stories of such activities resulting in damage to property, injury and sometimes death.

There have been many stories about the Tory Government’s cuts to the police budgets.

The police authority are always putting up their precept.

As a local person I feel I am getting the thin end of the wedge – higher bills and poorer service.

It really isn’t good enough for the ex-Conservative councillor running the show in Walcot to want a bigger police presence when he actively supports cutting their budget.

I understand that the figures for crime show a reduction over many years.

Surely this is an opportunity for the offices to root out this cancer in our community and sort out those doing the anti-social behaviour?

Unfortunately, the Conservatives won’t do this, they simply cut the police numbers.

As one of your letter writers says, no matter how much cash I have in my hand, I can not use it to stop this type of behaviour and look to the Government to encourage collective taxation: Something these Tories won’t do!

Jim Bonham Swindon