Most news and commentary on the Charlie Hebdo massacre have portrayed it as an attack on free speech.

First, let me say that killing people is morally wrong whether it is in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, Vietnam, Palestine or France.

Charlie Hebdo fired a writer, Maurice Sinet, in 2008 for writing an article it considered to be anti-Semitic.

In France students are not allowed to learn the history of its vicious actions in Africa and the Far East.

She still denies the Algerian genocide in the 1960s, in which the death toll was over a million, let alone its other victims in Africa and the Far East.

Last August, when 1,700 Palestinian civilians were killed, France banned marches in solidarity with the Palestinians. Some 1,200 children and women were among these victims.

The mocking of the prophet Mohammed at Charlie Hebdo is offensive to 1.7 billion people who have no other hope but the religion they turn to when they are bombed from the air, tortured in secret camps, jailed and kicked out their own land by colonial powers and dictators.

The cartoons expose a double standard when it comes to Islam and Muslims. Islamophobia is as wrong as any other racism.

Axmed Bahjad Fleet Street Swindon