RE: Steve Nibbs’ letter on Monday.

The actual working out of debates on free speech in practice may be more complex than simple abstractions allow.

For instance being on the receiving end of media bullying can change your point of view.

I remember some decades ago a right wing DJ on Australian radio told some ‘jokes’ based on the stereotype that British people, including emigrants to Australia, didn’t wash.

The British media unsurprisingly went crazy and called for the show to be put off air.

What they would have said was “only a bit of fun” opposed only by the “politically correct, gone mad”. What our media dished out to others became outrageous when we were on the receiving end.

But the general free-speech concept is simple so it is inexplicable that Steve Nibbs doesn’t understand it.

Some German racists have demonstrated in opposition to the free expression or even presence of Muslims in Germany.

Fortunately many Germans have been involved in anti-racist counter demonstrations.

Steve Nibbs disapprovingly quotes Angela Merkal, labelling the racist marchers racist. Steve suggests that Merkal’s comment infringes the racist’s right to free expression.

But Merkal hasn’t mobilised police against the racist demonstrators, as is often done against opponents of austerity, or prevented them in any way.

Not for the first time Steve Nibbs is saying that any argument against views he approves of is an infringement of free speech.

Peter Smith Woodside Avenue, Swindon