AXMED Bahjad makes me laugh! He’ll be saying next that the royal family are secret Muslims! Mind, Charles might be. (Adver, Praise for Mohammed, April 10).

All these so-called “scholars” he quotes - he does try. He quotes (as one example) the British writer, Thomas Carlyle: “The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped around this man (Mohammed), are disgraceful to ourselves only.”

As usual A Bahjad leaves out the tasty nuggets. For example, some scholars were sympathetic towards Islam, Carlyle and Gibbon especially, but (there’s always one isn’t there as far as A Bahjad is concerned), after much investigation they were all baffled by the Quran, and in the end condemned it “as the most boring book in the world: A wearisome, confused jumble, crude, incondite, insupportable stupidity in short.” Thus, Thomas Carlyle in 1841, dismissed the Quran with contempt in his lecture on Mohammed, The Hero As A Prophet.

STEVE NIBBS Milton Rd Swindon