BORED to tears with the General Election? May I lighten the day with a story sent to me by my only sister?

She knows a farmer, a long time family friend, who tills the soil in the harsh beauty of the Scottish highlands.

He had 100 hens and lost his ten roosters to a crafty fox. He then bought another rooster, as he could not afford another ten.

To his amazement this rooster managed to cover the other ten roosters’ duties with the 100 hens. Eggs were in abundance, he was back on the road to financial stability.

After a month of this astounding performance, he woke up in the morning to see the rooster lying on his back, claws in the air and to his astonishment he looked up and saw four golden eagles circling for the carrion feast.

He said to his financial saviour, “Sorry to see you go my friend due to over activity.” The rooster replied, “Shut up. Just wait till they land”.

BILL WILLIAMS Merlin Way Swindon