IN ANSWER to my letter, Des Morgan focuses on the wrong question (Adver, August 3). He limits his answer to one small section of the crisis timeline, not the full episode, not the history.

He completely ignores a million more people using food banks, millions of pounds in tax cuts at the top, Thatcher setting the banker free to make money, make money, which allowed greedy bankers to sell sub prime loans that caused the crisis.

There is no comment on who took the money or where are they now. And, of course, my last comment, offshore tax avoidance – a subject which Osborne condemns as morally repugnant, is also ignored.

Comment on these topics Des. The question I posed was how do we share the country’s earnings fairly?

I asked the reader to look at British history, how the ruling elite have never believed in sharing the country’s earnings.

Readers should look at their family history; how did your family fare in the past?

Over the past two centuries the work and sacrifices of working people through their trade unions and the Labour Party has brought all the people in the UK a better and longer life.

This is a fragile situation and I believe it is now at risk from 34 per cent of the population.

My letter was simple. Once again, poor people and working people are paying rich people, so the family business of the elite continues.

MIKE SPRY Mayfield Close, Swindon