PLEASE keep your letters to 250 words maximum giving your name, address and daytime telephone number - even on emails. Email: Write: Swindon Advertiser, 100 Victoria Road, Swindon, SN1 3BE. Phone: 01793 501806.

Anonymity is granted only at the discretion of the editor, who also reserves the right to edit letters.

It’s Thatcher’s fault

THE articles you have recently carried relating to the demise of Swindon’s bus company are really the epilogue of a story that started over 35 years ago with Margaret Thatcher. Her Conservative government ‘de-regulated’ the bus companies, then followed that up with rate-capped councils and then gave her permission for out of town shopping centres.

This latest anti-Council Tory Government, abetted by our two MPs no doubt, have compounded the woes for bus operators by, more than once, reducing the rebate they can claim on fuel which has led us to our bus undertaking being privatised. While some may think this is a good idea, any profit the company makes will go to its shareholders while council owned companies ploughed this into improvements for the good of the town’s fare-paying public.

Over the past few weeks buses have been mentioned, obliquely. There is now great concern about the emissions from diesel engines so what better way to be ‘green’ than to use buses? A Government paper on housing said it wanted to increase house building, especially in areas well served by public transport. How can this happen if bus companies are to only operate for a profit for shareholders? And when this fails, close?

So, Mrs Thatcher’s revolution of emasculating local government is still alive and well with restrictions on council tax, but don’t mention the parish precept! I suspect Tories in Whitehall are working on this and we may well see that revenue stream heavily restricted by the Government in the near future.

Let us hope the capital receipt from the sale of the bus company will be used to benefit all the residents of the town - after all, they were the owners.

Some readers may feel that I have not told the whole story about blaming the Conservatives for the present malaise. I agree. I have not mentioned the effect of the internet on town centre shopping. This is an unforeseen problem that, along with the extra taxes, VAT increase and recent devaluation of the pound, are all leading to the demise of our, and many other, town centres.


Abney Moor




What a sad sight

EVERY so often the dilapidated Mechanics Institute comes up as a topic for discussion and currently there is a school of thought which sees the venue as an art gallery rather than the spectacular and futuristic building proposed.

The Mechanics is a building of many spaces and a good deal of imagination and reconstruction would be required to see the venue as an art gallery fit for purpose.

Its recent history is interesting. During the Second World War part of the building was given over to dancing and was known as the Regal Ballroom where British and American servicemen vied for dance partners and not without minor scuffles. During the fifties a professional repertory company played there with the daunting task of learning and performing a new play every week in the theatre known as the Playhouse. Over the years many drama and musical societies presented their shows there for this was the only venue capable of staging such productions prior to the opening of the Wyvern Theatre.

The Mechanics now presents a sad sight at the focal point of the railway village but not everyone has a sympathetic view toward the building. I brought up this subject to a friend who claimed to have the perfect solution: “Pull the damn thing down.”


Crombey Street



Myths about Israel

RESPONDING to Peter Smith’s letter regarding Israel in which he calls it a “racist colonial settler state”. That is complete and utter nonsense.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East; you can criticise the Government freely, newspapers can print whatever they want, anyone from any faith can practise their beliefs without fear, all people are equal citizens.

It’s a full functioning and vibrant democracy. There are Arab members of the Knesset - that single statement alone demolishes Peter Smith’s argument that it is a racist state.

Name one other place in the Middle East where people have such freedoms.

Peter, why haven’t you used your pen or keyboard to condemn Hamas or Hezbollah for the atrocities they commit, where real human rights abuses are committed?

I notice that you have yet to write condemning the terror tunnels, suicide bombings, stabbings and lorry attacks in Israel and elsewhere.

Peter Smith also calls it a “settler state”- by that I guess he is accusing the Jews of supplanting the Palestinians in the land.

Not true - those familiar with Middle East history will know that before the Jews began to return to their ancient homeland in greater numbers (from the days of Joshua, Jewish communities existed from Jerusalem to the Galilee), Ottoman and British officials and travellers from different nations all record a dearth of man and beast in the land.

The land was desolate, with few inhabitants, so the accusation that the Jews replaced the Palestinians is a lie and a myth.

I suspect Peter Smith that you do not believe the State of Israel should exist. So what would your solution be? Forced deportations? To where? Should the Jews be run into the sea, as Hamas and Hezbollah believe? What’s your anti-Zionist plan?

What happens in Israel has eternal consequences for the world and I am quite sure that there are many that read the letters page who would be interested in your solution to this issue.


Damson Trees



She’s done a good job

IT would appear that Bill Williams and I disagree on everything and a good percentage of what I write to the SA are letters disagreeing with his letters. However his letter “respect the Queen” contains a lot with which I agree.

I will start by saying where I disagree with him. I am a republican. I have been since the age of five. I believe that no one is born better than any other. I abhor titles so much I encourage my children and grandchildren to call me Steve as I feel dad and grandad are titles. I believe the head of state should be elected for a term.

That said if you were to write a job description for a constitutional monarch I don’t think the Queen could have done a better job. It does the cause of republicanism no favours to write insulting letters about her.

Would I prefer a republic with Cameron, Blair or even the dreaded Farage as president? Yes I would if that was the will of the people. It’s all about democracy!

At present about 75 per cent of the British are in favour of the monarchy, but I feel that this is largely due to the example set by the Queen. Will that hold up when Prince Charles Windsor morphs into King George Mountbatten and the Duchess of Cornwall into Queen Camilla? Would that percentage hold up after the first picture of Prince George on his pony with his face smeared with fox blood?

However, to abolish the monarchy would be no small matter as it is intrinsically enmeshed with the established church and the House of Lords. In fact it would need a top to toe overhaul of the constitution, possibly with a constituent assembly being elected.

Let’s continue to debate the republic, even if it is illegal to do so, but to do so merely by being insulting to the Queen is puerile.


Norman Road



Name and shame

THE recent article on these pop-up brothels with Romanian women saying they’re victim of gang crime members, surely they’ve been doing this work in the past and know what to expect. To do the same thing again, which is their decision to make, doesn’t really make sense.

Also the men who use these services should be named and shamed.


Drove Road



Don’t insult us

CAN I thank Linda Kasmaty for her explanation of the Friends of Swindon Museum and Art gallery (Advertiser 10th Feb) where she just about sums up my concerns about the group being a “small privileged group”?

Linda reveals they are a 240-strong group of volunteers with a strong desire to show off the fabulous collection of modern art and artefacts. Let me enlighten Linda that most working men’s clubs in the town have more members than that.

I cannot argue that a sparkly futuristic gallery such as the one proposed is not a fantastic design and would do our collection proud. However, it would be a total insult to the people of this town to use £5m of its hard raised tax to be contributed to that project at this time.

With services being cut every day and council tax being raised, the thought of contributing such a vast sum is farcical. If this was such a great idea private money would be pouring in for the scheme.

Can the group publish figures of just how many people visit the museum and gallery each year? I would wager Swindon Town Football Club get more through the turnstiles in two or three games than the museum gets in a year, and imagine the uproar if the council suddenly offered up £5m to that cause.

Get the money from the private sector, position it so it can be viewed from the M4 so passing travellers can see it, and leave the tax payers’ money to keep much needed services afloat.

