I WOULD like to endorse the comments from Bryan Walters (SA, May 2, 2009) regarding Rod Bluh and his leadership of the council and to wish him well and hope he is soon back to full health.

In my view history will look back at him as his vision for Swindon is eventually realized, including the restoration of the canal (if it does come to fruition), in the same way that Alf Bown and David Murray-John (who was back then town clerk) who are credited with laying the foundations that make Swindon a great place to live and work.

I well remember being at a Labour Group meeting in the early 70s as a newly elected councillor being asked to endorse a change of council policy to actively encourage commerce to bring their business here as it was felt reliance on the railway works would eventually prove disastrous. There was some fury from some who were there because they suspected in the fullness of time that would bring people who would probably vote Conservative and Labour would not be in control of the council. Alf Bown argued the case passionately to put people first and politics last and the policy was changed and we should be grateful for that as we are now reaping the benefit.

While Rod is only one member of the team currently in charge it is only down to strong leadership the ship steers in the direction of success.

I hope readers will not look at my comment as seeking to make political capital but to point out that there have been times when politics has come second in the town’s history and we all benefit from that.


Granica Close
