I am sure most supporters of Better Swindon would wish that there were no need for their existence! Sadly, the behaviour of some people in public office has demonstrated that there is a need for such an organisation.

It would appear that, all too often, our elected representatives seem to have forgotten the reason for their existence. The council exists to provide public services and amenities to the people of Swindon. Councillors exist to represent all their constituents – not just those who voted for them.

Thus, the public expect those they have elected to act with honesty and integrity in all their dealings and that their standards of behaviour in their public office should be beyond reproach.

Recently, we have seen too many elected politicians (both locally and nationally) fall far short of these ideals. They appear to put their party ahead of their constituents and their personal careers (and financial gain) ahead of the needs of the people. Furthermore, the ‘Standards Committees’ (both locally and nationally) have proved to be hopelessly inadequate in upholding standards and disciplining those who have been judged to have behaved inappropriately.

It may only be a minority who misbehave but they give the rest ‘a bad name’; and they bring disrespect to their ‘office’. The majority must speak out to put their own house in order.

So, let us hope that organisations such as Better Swindon can achieve their aim of getting more transparency in the dealings of those elected to serve us; and an acceptable, ethical standard of behaviour from them in their public office. When this happens, they can disband!

Malcolm Morrison, Prospect Hill, Swindon