TORIES are very good at reaching “difficult decisions” – especially if it doesn’t affect them!

Take Swindon Tory acolyte Councillor Foley. She too, would you believe it, has just had to make a “difficult decision”.

She has axed nearly three quarters of a million pounds from the Children’s Centres budget, thus affecting the future of vulnerable children across Swindon for years to come.

Taxpayers money – not hers!

God help us hard-working ordinary folk if they get re-elected!

Imagine in 10 to 15 years time when these children will be teenagers, many will become problem children and the local police force by then also cut to the bone and beyond, will hardly be in a position to deal with them.

Any principled politician would have resigned; not Councillor Foley, it appears.

No doubt Councillor Foley’s name lies somewhere in a locked drawer in 10 Downing street with reference to a mention on a future Honours List for being a fully paid up member of the “Difficult Decisions” Club.

Steve Nibbs, Milton Road, Swindon