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Tories lack ethics

There is a huge political divide today in the minds of all citizens, where Jeremy Corbyn and Labour intend to spend more money from taxation, on school education and public funding for university students.

Conservative minds oppose this, saying there is no money, and it should not be wasted in this way, and that it is only a dishonest method to bribe the young to support Labour.

Because Tory voters can only comprehend self-interest, they are unable to believe that childless citizens, quite apart from students, might also favour this scheme, just as in 1946, when Britain was almost bankrupt, after the war.

Educated citizens see this as a re-run of 1870, when Gladstone introduced universal education, where every child was compelled to go to school, and every taxpayer compelled to pay taxes to make that possible.

Conservatives of 1870 were outraged at the injustice of it. ‘Why should I pay for somebody else’s brats to be educated?’ As today, Tories resented any suggestion they had a moral duty to pay towards the nation’s education, although they were presumably prepared to pay for its defence.

But at the time, quite apart from higher taxes, a substantial proportion of Conservatives were also opposed to the very principle that all children should be educated.

Many denounced the project, whereby the lower classes might develop expectations above their station in life.

They said this legislation was a recipe for civil disorder, which would have to put down by force, just as had been shown by the Peterloo Massacre or with the Chartists.

Tories have changed since 1870, to accept present conventions, but the attitudes will always be the same, the refusal or inability to recognise the existence of ethical principles.

CN WESTERMAN, Meadow Rise, Brynna, Mid Glam

Develop safer fridges

The fire at the Grenfell tower block is believed to have been started by an exploding fridge. I used to run an ice-cream business and have never heard about exploding fridges.

It seems that because of new EU Regulations the coolant in fridges has been been changed to GreenFreeze.

This technology, developed in 1992 contains no fluorocarbons. It is supposed to be better for climate change but means your fridge might catch fire.

The British manufacturing industry should develop a fridge that does not damage the climate or catch fire. This could be a huge money earner.

TERRY HAYWARD, Burnham Road, Swindon

Surgery is exemplary

MY WIFE and I are registered with Park Lane Surgery and we have found the services exemplary.

The frontline staff are courteous and helpful, appointments are a couple of days after request, whether you see a nurse or a doctor, and efforts are being pursued to update relationships with patients.