I HAVE written many times on the matter of the Mechanics’ Institute. Is the council so taken aback by the state of the building when in fact most of the blame must go to them, English Heritage and the Mechanics’ Trust, who have themselves to blame as they have not, or will not, sit down around a table and thrash out what would be acceptable for the building, so Mr Singh and previous owners can move on.

Stop dithering and get some action done. You might not need to replace the roof if there was something which would be acceptable in the pipeline. Do you really expect him to pay for work he has not given his consent to?

Don’t forget the council was offered the building many years ago for peanuts, please do not blame each other as you are all responsible for not accepting it because it would have cost money to put right - so sort it out now.

LES WHITE Mulberry Grove Rodbourne Cheney Swindon