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Death Notice

Basil Sheppard

Published on 02/06/2020

SHEPPARD Basil Harold (Ginger) Basil of Martinsfield, Covingham passed away peacefully at home on 21st May 2020. Wife to Margaret. Uncle to Justin, Alice, Olive, Amanda, Colin, Tonia, Kasey, Shea, Eire, Joanne, Melissa and Ben. No flowers by request, but donations for Cats Protection would be appreciated via Margaret Sheppard. All enquiries to Co-operative Funeralcare, Cardinal House, 5 Park Road, Faringdon, Oxon, SN7 7BP. Tel: 01367 240572.


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Wiltshirewall June 3rd, 2020
Memories of a lovely genuine humorous man. Rest in peace Ginge.