Isambard Kingdom Brunel was born on the 9th April 1806, in Portsmouth. His parents were Sophie and Mark Brunel. He also had two older sisters called Sophie and Emma Brunel. His father was a famous French Engineer.

Isambard went to early school. Whilst he was in junior school his teachers commented on how bright and inquisitive he was.

In 1820 he went to Caen College which is a boarding school in France.

In 1830, he took on his first main role. He trained to be a Chief Engineer, building the Thames Tunnel in London. The tunnel flooded and Isambard Kingdom Brunel nearly got killed. He also designed and built railways and bridges. One of his most famous designs is the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Brunel also built ships. He’s most famous was the SS Great Britain.

In 1843 he nearly died by swallowing a golden coin. As part of a magic trick for his children.

Finally he died during 1859.He was 53 years old when he died.

By Ellie Manton Peatmoor School, Swindon