BUSINESSES in Swindon will be able to stream HD video from today thanks to ultra-fast broadband from Vodafone.

The company has upgraded almost all of its sites across Swindon with super-charged fibre optic services to meet growing demand.

The network is already experiencing 37 per cent more 4G mobile data a day, compared with the same time last ear.

Vodafone UK Chief Technology Officer, Scott Petty said: “We’ve invested billions in our UK network and services to improve coverage. We plan to spend a further £700 million this year on our network alone, because we know connectivity plays a vital role in supporting our customers and the economy.

"We want to keep communities connected and ensure more customers can enjoy our network wherever they go.”

The faster 4G network in the town uses a technology called carrier aggregation, which combines different bands of spectrum – radio frequencies used to transmit mobile signals – to increase capacity and improve data speeds.

The company expects to release 5G internet in the net few years.