HUNDREDS of tech hungry creatives were in awe as they turned out to experience the Tech Fest at the Central Library.

The event was organised by Swindon Libraries in partnership with the Swindon Learning Town project.

This initiative is part of UNESCO’s global network of towns and cities who work together to share ideas and solutions.

The inclusive event is something that has been happening in small doses with other libraries across town.

Anish Harrison, Swindon Learning Town project lead, said: “It was very exciting to showcase what’s happening in Swindon in terms of technology and the learning opportunities that are available in the borough.

“With our involvement partnering this we want this to be an occasion that grows and grows. My ambition is that we have a year on year festival of technology that in the future will take over the town.”

Anish said she was delighted with Saturday’s event.

“More people have been able to see what’s going on and they’ve been given the chance to have fun with technology,” she said.

Among the firms taking part were Swindon Makerspace, Digished, Create Studios, and Render Media.

These businesses highlighted some of the diverse science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities and opportunities within the town - showcasing current and future technologies as well as sharing learning opportunities.

Mark Myers, managing director of Render, a Swindon-based virtual reality development studio, said: “It’s fantastic to be able to highlight an event like this, we are very lucky to have such a diverse range of technology and learning opportunities in this town. To come here and raise awareness of what immersive technology can offer to children of a younger age so that they can start to make career choices early on in their life that will benefit younger people.

“An event like this showcases how technology combines a range of subjects together into one.”