STRATTON councillors deemed a policy designed to protect them from angry residents unnecessary.

While reviewing a recommended Habitual and Vexatious Policy which suggested that they should not meet complainants alone and that people sending repeated Freedom of Information requests should be banned from doing so, the council heard that they had received only two vexatious complaints and six FoI requests over the last five years.

Coun Barrie Jennings said: "It's a sledgehammer to crack a nut, it's unbelievable, we are elected representatives and we should be able to speak to our constituents at any time without restriction."

Coun Ann Brooker said: "It's quite heavy-handed, it disturbs me, it's quite controlling and restricting for the sake of two comments."

Coun Tim Page supported the policy: "We have a duty to protect staff from unreasonable people who have bees in their bonnets and cannot accept rational explanations."

Coun Matthew Davis offered to help refine the policy using the Information Commissioner's Office guidance.

This discussion was going to be held during a section of the meeting from which the public and press were banned but Coun Jennings requested that it be brought forward so that the press could hear it.