GWH is working on talking to the community about tobacco control and alcohol misuse.

It is holding a free event for anyone to take part in to talk about these issues later on this month to work on cutting down the number of smokers.

Chris Woodward, public health programme manager at the Swindon Borough Council said: “We understand that smoking is an addiction and quitting is neither easy, nor an overnight process. That is why we continue to work collaboratively with the local hospital, GPs and pharmacists to provide a range of smoking cessation support that’s easily accessible.”

In Swindon, over 17.7 per cent of people continue to smoke which is 3.3 per cent above the national average.

Stephanie Taylor, Cardiac Rehabilitation Sister and the Trust’s Smokefree Lead added: “A key part of my role is helping patients to make lifestyle changes that will help improve their heart health, which includes supporting them to quit smoking.

“However, it’s equally important to have these conversations with young people and adults who are not in hospital, to reduce preventable illnesses and hospital admissions.”

The talk will be at 6pm at the academy at GWH on July 25.