An Adver poll last week revealed that people are worried about a no-deal Brexit.

The poll, which had over 500 votes, showed that 74 per cent of readers were horrified by the possibility of a no-deal Brexit, whereas 20 per cent of readers suggested we should be more optimistic.

However, six per cent of readers said they never wanted to hear about Brexit again.

Here is what you said on our Facebook page:

Talis Kimberley-Fairbourn: “If we tear up every treaty and trade agreement, we jeopardise our continues access to imports including life-saving medicine and food.

“The best-tended garden or allotment is not going to fill your plates come November.”

Solomon Fanetti: “You’ll be fine. The Americans have your back. Things might be rocky for a bit, but you survived the blitz.

“You survived the invasions from France. You’ll survive this nonsense.”

Celine Guillet: “I can’t believe how clueless some people are. They seem obsessed by the fact that they won a referendum and care very little about the consequences.

“No deal means tariffs on almost everything we import and on what we export.

“We would love not only out access to the common market but also all trade deals we had with other countries as part of the EU. We have virtually no other trade deal in place.”

“Working in pharmacy, I want to know if it will affect our ability to import medicine easily, and how much more it’s going to cost the NHS.

“It’s just a complete and utter mess.”

Paul David Barrington: I have faith in the British people to be able to overcome all adversity when pushed into a corner.

“We have done so on so many occasions in the past and we have always become a strong nation for it.

“Of course those Remainers who shout the loudest won’t remember those times because they weren’t born.

“And those Remainers that were born and shout for another referendum obviously can’t remember the meaning of democracy.”

Paul Clark: “I’m yet to meet a Remainer that can actually explain the dynamics of the EU, let alone have an understanding of the Maastricht treaty or the Lisbon treaty, or explain the European debt crisis and that without a fiscal union the Eurozone is doomed and will cause a worldwide recession.”

Adam Poole: “Anyone who knows anything about international trade would oppose a no-deal Brexit.

“And most of those who currently support it would change their minds if their own jobs were on the line.”

Liam Shortridge: “I’m baffled that both Swindon MPs voted to allow parliament to be suspended to allow a no-deal Brexit to be pushed through.

“We’re playing a guessing game of how bad it will be but why would a country willingly want to culturally, economically and health and socially impoverish itself”

Gerald Curtis: “No fear, we can overcome any obstacles, even the so-called experts are divided.

“Our forefathers overcame much greater sacrifices for our nation.

“The least we can do is stop bellyaching and start uniting to make our nation great again, nobody said it would be easy.

“Our identity is worth fighting for, thank god the last generations didn’t lay down and let Europe walk all over us.”

Nicki Pearce: “There’s the rest of the world to make deals with and I highly doubt countries within the EU are going to want to strop dealing with the ‘rich’ UK to buy their products.”

Chris Dancer: “It’s not the no-deal that’s the killer, it’s the no-preparation.

“It’s not 1974. We’re an island of 65 million people and we are not self-sufficient. We are utterly dependent on free trade with the EU.

“If no-deal doesn’t worry you then you don’t understand it.”