Library users are being asked for their views on the future of the coffee shop in the Central Library in Regent Circus.

The shop shut just before Christmas after Swindon Borough Council changed its catering arrangements.

Now the council’s library service has launched a public consultation, which will run until the end of the month.

Keith Williams, the council’s cabinet member responsible for libraries, said: “Although the former library coffee shop was much loved by some of our library users, it wasn’t used by enough people to make it cost-effective. We therefore need to make sure we have the right provision in place that will appeal to more people so it remains financially sustainable.

“We are really keen to find out what local people want as we can ensure that any new services meet people’s needs. We want to hear from as many people as possible so we have a wide cross section of views, so if you can spare a few minutes please fill in the survey and tell us what you think.”

The consultation is available online at: Consultation and paper copies will be available inside the library.