PET owners have been offered advice to help keep their furry friends safe as freezing temperatures continue in Swindon.

Ahead of a particularly cold night this evening, the RSPCA stressed the importance of pets being indoors and wild animals well fed.

RSPCA pet welfare specialist Sam Gaines said: “Though we’ve already had some frosty spells during the last few weeks, temperatures have plummeted and we’re all being warned now of ice and snow. 

“It’s really important we help our animal friends get through the chilly weather, and we’ve got lots of helpful advice and tips available for people to make sure their own pets, and local wildlife, are kept safe.

“Meeting the needs of dogs when they’re kept outside is very hard and more so in very low temperatures, even for dogs who are used to living in outdoor accommodation. 

"Owners should make sure their dogs have a clean, comfortable and dry sleeping area with a safe heat source so the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees.”

Although the town has yet to see snow in February, temperatures are forecast to drop to -4C tonight and the cold spell is set to last until Saturday at the earliest.

Cold weather - Pets

As the temperature begins to drop, the RSPCA advises keeping a closer eye on outdoor pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs. If the temperature starts to reach freezing, you may wish to consider moving your rabbit hutch inside or into an outhouse, shed or unused garage. 

It recommends that guinea pigs are housed indoors when temperatures are below 15OC. If you do bring your rabbits or guinea pigs indoors, they still need plenty of time and room to exercise in a safe and secure environment. If you have to leave them outside, you must provide them with lots of extra bedding, such as dust-free hay, and make sure their home is protected from adverse weather. 

Cats should have constant access to the house or to a warm, inside area such as an outbuilding or barn with appropriate heating. You should also ensure the cat’s bedding or sleeping area is warm, dry and away from any draughts.

Be aware that antifreeze and rock salt can be poisonous to pets. 

If you keep pet birds in aviaries, coops, or runs, then you should also protect them from the cold weather. Provide plenty of additional dry, warm bedding such as straw and cover enclosures to keep the wind and rain out. Birds will eat more to keep warm in cold conditions so ensure the birds always have access to plenty of food and fresh water, ensuring water does not freeze over. 

If you have a fish pond check it every day to make sure the surface is not entirely frozen as poisonous gases can build up under the ice. Don’t break the ice as this can harm the fish, but carefully place a saucepan of hot water on the surface to gently melt a hole in the ice. Never tip boiling water straight onto the pond either, as this can also harm or kill any fish living there. And never try to use antifreeze or salt to thaw frozen ponds or birdbaths.

Horses & livestock

Horses and livestock require extra time and care in the colder, winter months. 
Ensure they have adequate shelter to escape adverse weather and be prepared to provide extra feed and good quality long fibre, as grass is often sparse. It is also important to check water troughs and buckets are clear of ice.

Make arrangements with a reliable and experienced person to take care of your horse or livestock in case of an emergency, such as being cut off by bad weather. 

Farmers and smallholders should give extra consideration to young animals and whether they need extra protection from the cold weather. 

Birds can struggle to find food during the winter months so, to help them stay strong over this period, householders can leave out extra food for them.

Keep bird baths free of ice, leave out bowls of clean water, and keep any feeders and water bowls clean. 

Make sure you check carefully any wood or leaf piles for wild animals such as hedgehogs, frogs and mice, before lighting any fires or bonfires. If you find wild animals in hibernation, be sure to leave them be.