A Swindon teenager has described how her life has changed after being diagnosed with a medical condition. 

Hope Broadbank who lives in Park South was diagnosed with a Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) in June 2021.

FND is a medical condition which causes problems with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body send and/or receives signals.

This can lead to the body seizing up multiple times.

As a result, Ms Broadbank cannot do the basic things such as going to the toilet without the support of her family.

Hope got in touch with the Adver as she wanted to make people aware of the condition.

One day in 2019, Hope noticed that her feet were blue after work and she had pins and needles.

The sensation travelled up her legs and then travelled up to her arms.

She experienced chest pains and an ECG was given, GPs suggested that it was viral.

The chest pains increased and an ambulance was sent out.

Hope was taken to the hospital and an X-Ray was given which was clear.

She was then discharged and was told to see the GP if things get worse.

The pins and needles then started to go all around her body and eventually she was forced to crawl up the stairs.

She eventually collapsed and lost all feeling in the left side of her body.

Hope was admitted to the Great Western Hospital again.

Blood tests and antibody tests were done and an MRI scan was conducted, but they found nothing.

Whilst in hospital Hope deteriorated quite quickly, she couldn’t use her arms or legs and she needed a frame and other people to support her.

Sue and her husband had to support her just to go to the toilet.

Within a week of being at home, Hope completely lost the complete use and feeling in her legs and she started having tremors and seizures.

Occupational therapy was then called and they were shocked that Hope had been discharged and been left in her condition with no support or care plan.

The seizures then became more violent and frequent, she then lost the sensation of her bladder.

Mother Sue said: “As a parent, I was exasperated by being left in limbo.

“She had to completely learn how to walk and how to stand because the messages from the brain to the body get interrupted and the body doesn’t know how to do the natural movements."

After numerous appointments and consultations, Hope was finally diagnosed with FND in June 2021.

Hope said: “It’s life-changing for anyone, I got FND at a hard age because my friends are still going out, doing what teenagers should be doing.

“I had nearly finished my apprenticeship but that’s gone, I can’t do any driving.

“With FND I can do things and then I have bad days where I can’t get out of bed because I am so tired.

“I can have a really good day where I could walk into the kitchen and the next day I could have a day where I am unable to do anything.

"That’s the one thing that people don’t know about FND, every single day is completely different, you can’t plan ahead.”

Sue, added: “Our whole family have had to adjust to the seizures.

“Hope can’t go out unattended, she must have someone with her in case she has a seizure.

“They are very physical and debilitating, she couldn’t go to a nightclub because of the sound.

“She can’t do the normal things a 19-year-old would want to be doing.”

“Anxiety and panic attacks that’s all part of the condition, it’s debilitating.”