How Swindon Borough Council should publicise, and make more of, the town’s history and heritage is the latest question from Euclid Street.

In 2023 the local authority asked for opinions of Swindonians about the various heritage buildings across the borough, such as the Mechanics’ Institute and the Health Hydro.

A spokesman said: “One of the big takeaways from that survey is that those who took part wanted to see Swindon’s history promoted more, now we’d like to find out how.”

The council has created a very short survey of just five questions.

It asks: ”Which of the following would be your preferred way of learning more about the Borough's heritage?” and gives options such as social media posts, talks, exhibitions, local media coverage and information on the council’s own website.

Those options are also available for question two: “Which of the following do you think would be the most effective way for people to learn more about the borough's heritage?”

It asks how it should best communicate news about heritage events, and whether respondents are aware of Heritage Open Days this September.

The last question asks for opinions on the changes to the Railway Village heritage action zone.

Councillor Marina Strinkovsky, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Placemaking, said: “Swindon has a really complex and important history and we want to make sure that’s accessible to everyone.

“We already have our incredible museums and venues but we want to ensure that anyone who wants to know more about Swindon has the opportunity to do so.

“I’d urge everyone to fill out the survey so we can understand exactly how people want to find out about our heritage and how they can stay up to date with any events.”

The survey is available at

The deadline for responses is September 15.