I couldn't say if there are angels watching over us or not but this amazing book by Diana Cooper will certainly change the way you look at life.

You will start viewing things from a completely different point of view. As one of the biggest cynics around this book did make even me start to question a lot of things, it makes you feel there are angels all around you and they are just waiting for you to ask them to do something for you and for the others.

After reading this book, you just can't help asking an angel to help you to find the car keys, or to help you to be on time to your appointment, or to go to comfort people..and it just works like magic! I know that sounds crazy but I defy anyone to read this book and not feel changed in some way.

In the first half of the book, Diana Cooper explains what the angels can do for you and how to ask them for assistance in just about any task no matter how big or small. She talks about how to recognise an angelic presence and how the angels protect, heal and help.

In the second half of the book you find an explanation about the best known angels and archangels and the angelic hierachy, with their own "specialities". It's a little more intellectual but still very clear and just like the rest of the book it is totally reader friendly.

I totally recemend this book to anyone and everyone, it's very rare that I pick up a book and really do struggle to put it down, but page after page this is an enjoyable read thatkeeps you wanting to read more and more.