EMERGENCY planners are working on how to distribute swine flu vaccines when the drugs arrive in Swindon late next month or early September.

The Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum, which includes the police, fire and ambulance services and Swindon and Wiltshire Primary Care Trusts, has been planning for a flu pandemic for some time.

“It will take a great deal of planning to implement the system to distribute vaccines during late August,” said forum vice chair Maggie Rae.

“We may be working through the swine flu pandemic for several months to come.

“We have been rapidly setting up anti-viral collection points and giving information to the public.

“We have been responding to a huge number of requests for information and guidance.

“Our next step is to prepare for how we can make sure we sustain a local response across Swindon and Wiltshire.”