In my final reply to Ella March’s letter of 24 February, age being no excuse for unfounded insults and ladylike respect for the elderly obviously not on her agenda either.

As a works convenor I defended women’s rights on many occasions. No joke madam, I can assure you. I doubt if she has ever been to Bristol to defend women’s rights at an industrial tribunal, as I have. I am also a member of a society who regularly contributes to help the excellent Swindon’s Women’s Aid.

Where she should feel deep shame is the upset she caused to my family by her first load of nonsense. They know the true facts of my difficult situation. Her second contribution however surpassing the first and I thought that was impossible.

My late father always told me no matter what life throws at you, you will find in your time of need your staunchest friend is your mother. I doubt any man would refute that. An unlikely statement to come from an alleged misogynist.

Bill Williams Merlin Way Swindon