I CAN’T believe that the council still want to proceed with the canal running through the town centre and along one of the busiest routes into the town centre. What are they on?

I use Westcott Place and Faringdon Road on a daily basis to get to work etc. If the canal does get the green light and go ahead, I’m going to encore a lot more bills, which I don’t need.

For example, my house insurance will rise as the insurance company will state I live next to a canal and at risk of flooding and I’ll have to put an extra few miles onto my journey, causing me to use more petrol. If they want us to decrease our carbon foot print, putting the canal along that route isn’t going to help.

People will say “why don’t I use public transport”? Well, at the moment, it takes me five minutes to get to work by car; 55 minutes by bus (I’ve actually tested this) and a taxi will cost £6 for a one way journey. Will the council be prepared to fund my extra outgoings? I doubt it. If they are not prepared for this, they’ll have to scrap the idea. Also I’m not prepared to take a month worth of shopping from Tesco’s home by bus.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m, not totally against the canal but I think the council have got the location totally wrong. I think they should have the canal where the original one was.

