I AM getting very fed up with the wingeing of mothers (and fathers) nowadays. The Government bends over backwards to help parents and they never seem to be satisfied.

Take a recent article in the Advertiser where the mother was complaining about Clarks taking away the availability of odd shoes for children. They are lucky to have ever had this option.

My son was born with a club foot more than 40 years ago and we had to make do when it came to his shoes.

I never found it a great problem to manage, I just put an insole in the shoe for the smaller foot.

We have an internet nowadays and I am sure that a club could be founded by those parents who needed different sized shoes to find others in the same boat as them, for swapping.

Also when my children were small we only got Family Allowance for the second and subsequent child.

Parents have it fairly easy nowadays as we, the general public, have to bend over backwards when it comes to children, as can be seen with parking at the supermarkets.

We would all like extra space between our cars to save them getting damaged.

I don't hear people of our era complaining of how we managed years ago toting our youngsters around, in many cases without the use of the car.

Grow up, you parents, and count your blessings for what help you have and do not expect more.

C DESMOND Stratton St Margaret Swindon