GOING down the pub is still people’s favourite leisure pursuit and Swindon landlord Howard Taylor puts it down to versatility and tradition.

A new study from Carlsberg UK, which questioned 1,800 adults across the UK in August, found 34 per cent of opted for the pub each week, ahead of retail locations (31 per cent), coffee shops (30 per cent) and gyms (20 per cent).

The study, Carlsberg UK Consumer Insights Report 2014, found the pub is particularly appealing to singles aged between 36 and 54, with an extra five per cent visiting their local on a weekly basis.

However, the report also found pubs are becoming less important to younger people, with the popularity of pubs and bars falling among 18 to 25-year-olds, dropping from 42 per cent in 2010 to 36 per cent in 2014.

Howard, who owns both Steam Railway, in Old Town and The Sun Inn, at Lydiard, said old habits die hard for pub lovers.

“It’s just in the fabric of the country,” he said. “Despite the downturn of pubs historically, there is still something there.

“When you go to a local pub, you know who’s going to be there half of the time and you haven’t got to make plans to meet someone.

“You’ve also got food in pubs now, as well as coffee. They are competing with coffee shops and restaurants.

“If you’re out in a village, like we are at the Sun in Lydiard, you need to remember you cater for everyone.”

Howard said he has a very well attended coffee morning at The Sun Inn which has helped build his customer base.

Carlsberg’s report says the key to attracting young adults is to create social and shared experiences, and prompting occasions beyond a big night out.

Drinking at home has declined by two per cent since 2010. Just 48 per cent of respondents said they drank at home in 2014.

Only one per cent of pub and bar-goers visit just one outlet. Half have a repertoire of between five and 10 pubs, with a further 13 per cent having 11 or more bars which they choose to visit.

Kieran Etherington, 26, an admin assistant of Lawn, said: “I tend to visit two or three across a two-week period.

“You can build that relationship with the staff, but more often than not you follow where your friends are going.”

Alice Benton, 31, a retail assistant from the town centre, said: “I do like going to the gym quite a lot now, and its become more a social thing with friends, as well as coffee shops and juice bars.

“Pubs and bars are usually just on a weekend for me.”

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