STAFF, visitors and patients at Great Western Hospital made hundreds of donations to Swindon Foodbank to help those struggling this Christmas.

Members of the group collected dozens of boxes from GWH’s atrium filled with cereal, pasta, tinned goods and chocolates Rebecca Jewell, a GWH community dietitian, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have got so much.

“I was a little worried there might just be a few boxes but that certainly isn’t the case, our hospital departments and the public have really rallied round to support a good cause.

“It is really great to see a good mix of basic items as well as luxury goods because everyone needs to have a treat or two at Christmas.

“It is wonderful to see this coming from the community, for the community.

“I’m genuinely chuffed that the foodbank have so much to pick up.”

“The food will not just help those who may have gone without, it will also help them maintain a balanced diet.

Becky Palmer, another GWH community dietitian, said: “It is really great to see so many people coming together to support the foodbank.”

The hospital plans to keep working with Swindon Foodbank in the coming years.

Rebecca said: “We’d like to say a huge, huge thank you to every single person who donated to the cause as this couldn’t have been a success without them.”

Swindon Foodbank was launched in 2005 and offers practical help to those facing sudden crisis.

It works with the town’s support agencies and helps to make a difference to people’s lives.

The group is funded and stocked with food by local people and sorted by volunteers into boxes that can support recipients for three days.

To find out more about the group visit or call 01793 978045.