Swindon Advertiser: Student Adver

WELCOME to our video gallery. Here you can find videos made, and starring, pupils from all across Swindon.

To keep you entertained, here are a couple of our favourite videos that have appeared on the main Adver website - but we want to see what you can do. Are you the next Steven Spielberg or maybe the star of your next production is a budding Sienna Miller who you think the people of Swindon should see perform.

We can accept most video format (except .wmv files) and will upload them for you, complete with your name and school or college, into our gallery.

To send us your cinematic efforts click here.

Student Adver

Dorcan headlines - group one

Dorcan headlines - group two

Dorcan Headlines - group three

Isambard Kingdom Brunel goes looking for his train station in Wanborough

French chef Eric Flambe (aka Adver reporter Matt Jackson) tests the food knowledge of pupils at Ruskin Junior School