WHERE does one go next when your own member of Parliament doesn't want to answer your questions?

I wrote to Anne Snelgrove recently (Labour, South Swindon ) regarding my concerns over Labour's plans for voluntary identity cards being anything but.

I received a generic letter by return, not surprising, considering that almost anything produced by this Government is ambiguously generic and Teflon coated, particularly if it is committed to paper or videotape.

Not satisfied with Mrs Snelgrove's somewhat lazy reply, I wrote again and asked her to expand on several points.

Her reply curtly informed me that: "The (my) arguments seem no different than before and we will have to agree to disagree on the identity card issue."

I had merely tried to engage her in discussing her previous statements. I don't believe she had read my letter or, if she had, she decided to ignore its content.

It would seem that, once elected, Labour MPs' interest in constituents wanes and the promise to represent the constituents' best interests is forgotten, replaced perhaps with a desire to please Tony Teflon' Blair and climb a few more rungs of the Westminster ladder.

Both Anne Snelgrove and Michael Wills (Labour, Swindon North) continue to ignore their own constituents because, in the style of true political hypocrites, they will always put themselves first.

They've broken their manifesto promises and now they don't want to discuss that either.

Well if it's all the same to you Anne, I'll keep on writing anyway.


The Prinnels.
