Stylist Shan Williams offers her advice on wearing checks big and small In recent articles I have discussed dots and stripes at length – now it is the turn of the square.

Last season’s love affair with plaids has held fast, with breezy gingham and checks replacing winter’s weightier weaves.

We are talking gingham for grown-ups here, no Ann of Green Gables in sight (probably showing my age here!). This season the checks are bolder and larger. Straight lines bring an architectural feel to this print.

Colourful dogtooth is also a surprise hit, in candy and bright hues – definitely one to ensure you stand out from the crowd at a summer wedding, maybe in a toned-down pastel shade.

It looks great in monochrome too, doubled up (shorts and top) head to toe for the brave.

But beware! Before rushing out to the shops you need to know the two essential styling rules for those wearing checks, gingham and tartan.

1 The size of the check has to match your scale (ie; the size of your bones) or it will overwhelm you. All anyone would see is the check and not you.

2 Checks look far better on a straighter body shape, as they follow the lines you already have. If you are lucky enough to have a nice waist line they are not for you. Opt for a softer check like a dog tooth (bearing in mind point 1 above). Ask yourself, should you be wearing puppy tooth, dog tooth or hounds tooth? Remember, the bigger the dog, the bigger the check.