Why am I so ugly?

It seems to me that success these days in anything - especially in love, sex and a career - depends entirely on how good-looking a person is.

I am 24, fat, ugly and therefore doomed to a second class life because of it. No amount of dieting, exercise or make up will ever be able to resolve this, and it’s so unfair.

I have been given such a bad start in life simply because of my parents’ genes, and I know I’ll never amount to much or get married. - ST

Fiona says: While it’s true that some people set great store by appearances - more fool them. To say that success in every sphere of life depends purely on good looks is simply not true.

Millions of women, who could never be described as beautiful or even attractive on the outside, have been able to find success, fame, love and happiness.

That has a lot to do with confidence - they know how to make the best of what they’ve got and know how to present themselves.

A smile can go a long way to transforming someone’s face, but when you’re feeling unattractive, it’s hard to summon one. You need to look at yourself in more positive ways and counselling can help you achieve that.

He doesn't want kids

My partner made it completely clear when we first met that he’d never wanted children and had had a vasectomy.

I was young, we were very much in love and so I thought it wouldn’t matter, but, as time has gone on, I’ve realised that, deep down, I do really want children. Now he wants us to marry, but much as I love him, I can’t get over the feeling that I will want children and will end up regretting it.

There’s no compromise on an issue like this. If you marry him, knowing you want children and he doesn’t, you’ll end up either depressed or angry or both. If you want children, there is no future in this relationship - but have you really thought through all the consequences of this? Talk to your partner; being with you might have softened his attitude to becoming a father. Please don’t give up on a loving relationship without fully discussing it first.