David Hartridge, Swindon Foodbank Project Manager, tells us about his life with food

Do you cook a lot yourself?

I enjoy cooking for myself and my wife – probably once or twice per week. My failsafe dish is Sunday roast

Where do you like to eat out?

The best pub in Wanborough, of course! In other words, The Plough. I eat out, on average, a couple of times per month probably

What do you always hope to find on a menu?

I enjoy Andrew’s homemade fishcakes and chips. I’m not a big dessert man but usually enjoy stealing some of my wife’s pudding!

Which foods did you hate as a child?


Do you eat them now?

Yes I do – I really like all types of nuts

What’s your favourite drink?

If I am having an alcoholic drink I like red wine, if it’s non-alcoholic I like sparkling water

Marmite: yes or no?

Absolutely yes I do! The thicker it’s spread, the better it tastes

What’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to food... something you know you shouldn’t eat, but do anyway?

I really like strong, smelly French cheeses You are on your own at home watching a film.

What is your snack of choice?

Dry roasted peanuts

You are eating a bacon sandwich... ketchup, brown sauce or nothing at all?

Nothing at all should get in the way of enjoying a greasy bacon sandwich, other than a fried egg on top!