Reigning Miss Swindon CATISSA CREIGHTON, 22, tells us about her
life with food

Do you cook a lot yourself? What is your failsafe dish?

I am a terrible cook! My failsafe dish is probably cottage pie – it doesn’t involve any complicated ingredients and and I don’t need to worry about presentation!

Where do you like to eat out? How often?

I eat out a couple of times a week for lunch or dinner. I love spicy food so I like to go to Mexican, Indian and Oriental restaurants. I also like tapas.

What do you always hope to find on a menu? For starter? Main course? Dessert?

I am not a fussy eater and I like to try different things. I love ice cream sundaes – especially with banana ice cream, but I have yet to find a local restaurant which serves it!

Which foods did you hate as a child? Do you eat them now?

I hated most fruit and vegetables. I’m glad I have grown to love them now!

What’s your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

My favourite drinks are fruity, such as a Bahama Mama (rum) cocktail or fruit smoothies.

Marmite: yes or no?

A definite no!

What’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to food...something you know you shouldn’t eat, but do anyway?

I eat way too many sweets! I get very excited when I see a pick ‘n’ mix stand.

You are on your own at home watching a film. What is your snack of choice?

Popcorn, of course!

You are eating a bacon sandwich... ketchup, brown sauce or nothing at all? Definitely ketchup!