Shareen Campbell and Phil Saunter, owners of Los Gatos and Bistro Les Chats in Wood Street, and the Swindon Business People of the Year, talk about life in the restaurant business

As we’re into the second week of January, many New Year Resolutions have probably already been broken, but it’s not too late to think about some food related resolutions.

Shopping Shop locally in small quantities, a few times a week, on the way home from work. You’ll get better quality, fresher produce and cut down your waste. Why not combine it with online shopping? Let the supermarket staff trawl the aisles for your toilet rolls and washing powder and deliver it to your door while you relax at home on a Saturday morning.

Ready Meals Don’t buy them! Build up a range of simple quick to prepare recipes – there’s plenty of inspiration out there from the TV chefs. Combine it with your local shopping and you can have fresh and tasty food on the table faster than it takes to heat up your average ready meal.

Quality not quantity When it comes to meat and fish, you’ll get far more enjoyment out of eating four ounces of quality local meat from the butcher than six ounces of something that’s been flown halfway across the world at 0o then waited around for a week in its polystyrene box. Look for fresh-caught fish from the fishmonger’s slab, rather than something which has spent days getting to and from the supermarket packaging and distribution centre, or worse still, six months in its breadcrumb overcoat in a freezer.

Make soup once a week Why not spend a little of that time you would have been in the supermarket to knock up a big pot of tasty soup? An onion, some butter and any remaining vegetables from the week can be transformed with a little love and patience (and some Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon) into a taste sensation.

Enjoy meal times Take time to enjoy your meals. Don’t rush them. Make them a time for family to sit down together and relax. When you give your stomach time to let your brain know it’s full, you’ll eat less and be healthier and maybe achieve one of those early New Year resolutions without even trying.

Los Gatos can be contacted in 01793 488450 or go to

Bistro Les Chats can be contacted on 01793 527082 or go to